In the spirit of the holidays, we decided to turn some good old fashioned Christmas songs into newly fashioned CSS (Christmas Style Sheets). We triple dog dare you to guess which song is which.
We were tasked with developing a custom drupal theme and back-end for The original site started as a static site of about 12-15 pages and over time grew to be well over 160 pages. Built with dreamweaver templates, and relying heavily on images and tables for the layout, this site was over due for a makeover. Adding new pages was not only time consuming but was also risky business.
The average computer user doesn't have experience with command line utilities. You might be asking yourself what is a command line utility? This post will answer that question on a small scale. The three main goals in the post are:
If you’ve had any experience with Drupal before you know it’s extremely powerful. It is a robust content management system, with thousands of contributed modules available for use. With this many modules at your fingertips it would seem that finding something as simple as a photo gallery would be a breeze. Think again...